Noho nei au

 i te whare werewere

 o te ao kōhatu

 o te ao takarangi

 me te whare tangata e rongo ana

 i te korikoritanga 

o te ira kikokiko 

me te ira atua 

tenei te orokohanga o Hineahuone 

i mahora a Papatūānuku 

i āna uri whakaheke 

Taupua ana ngā kawenga o te werewere

 i ngā topito katoa o te taiao 

e whāwhā ana i te rauru tangata 

Nō te toka here

O Kurawaka

Mai te wheiao ki Te Ao Mārama 

e tū tangata ai a Hinekura

 kurupounamu o te Ruawhetū

This karakia comes from wānanga between Ngāti Pūkeko Te Whakatōhea kaumātua, Wiremu Huta-Martin and Ngahuia Murphy. The karakia reaffirms the role of wāhine as creators of life and asserts the continuation of the sacred ancient world of Hawaiki today.